Lovely Background

Friday, March 27, 2009

7 Months Pregnant

It is hard to believe but we have reached the 7 month mark. It has gone by so quickly. I am still feeling really great. I have had a few recent nights of difficult sleep but that is it. The girls are getting so big and moving around constantly. Our last doctor appointment went very well. I took the glucose test and thankfully the results came back fine. I got to listen to the girls heartbeats. Claire happened to be the most active which is unusual.

I have been doing a lot of baby laundry. As many of you know I LOVE shopping! In the past 7 months I have purchased blankets, onesies, dresses, etc. I have washed everything and it is ready to be worn.

We have started work on the nursery. I so badly want to make sure it is ready for Sophia and Claire's arrival. It only took me 4 pink paint samples to pick the wall color. Matt is painting the room this evening. I am sure he will be "pinked out" by the time it is complete. I am so thankful that he is taking care of this task.

The new cribs arrived this morning. I can't wait to put them together. Thank you to Nanna and Papaw for gifting the girls with a beautiful bed to sleep in. Grandpa Benny and his friend completed our custom wall/shelving unit. It is absolutely beautiful. Matt and I plan to paint it within the next week and put it into the nursery.

We go back to the doctor on April 2nd for another ultrasound. I can't wait to post pictures. I am sure the girls will have changed a lot in a month.

Speaking of "change", I have posted pictures of my expanding belly. It is hard to imagine it getting any bigger but I know it will. Matt says I look beautiful. Thank goodness for his compliments; when you get this big you need to hear those things!!!


Jamie said...

You look so cute! Love the pictures. :)

Kiki said...

So adorable!! Please post pics of the nursery when its all done :)

Leslie said...

You look so good girl! All baby. You'll be skinny again in no time.

susan said...

you look great!!!