Lovely Background

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

~ The Sorrells Twins are Two Months Old ~

Sophia and Claire are two months old today. The time has flown by. I am thankful we have made it and are still smiling!!!

The girls are doing very well. We went to the doctor today and the updated stats are below

Sophia - 6 lbs 14 oz and 22 inches long - 36 3/4 cm head circumference
1st percentile for weight, 37% for height and 8% for head
Claire - 7lbs 13 oz and 22 1/4 inches long - 36 3/4 cm head circumference
1st percentile for weight, 47% for height and 8% for head

The reason I state the head circumference is because it is unbelievable that a child with the Anderson genes has a small head. I can't believe it. I thought for sure my kids would have big heads. HA!!!

As you can see above our girls are very tiny. I like to say they are sweet, delicate and oh so dainty!!! I have a feeling they will be tall and skinny...lucky girls!!!

The girls had their first round of shots today. Thank goodness that Daddy went with us. I could not bear to watch them suffer. They did wonderful!!! Both girls have a slight fever this evening and have been exceptionally tired but that is to be expected.

Sophia got her cast taken off on Monday. She now has a brace and special shoes to wear. The next three weeks Sophia has to wear the brace three hours on and three hours off during the day and wear it all night long. The only way I can describe the brace is that it looks like two ice skates connected by a metal bar. It is very heavy and it has been extremely difficult for Sophia to get used to. She cried a lot yesterday and I cried along with her. It is hard to watch your little girl hurting. When she isn't wearing the brace she has to wear special shoes. They look like the shoes our parents wore as kids. HA!! I know the whole process will be worth it and that she'll become accustomed to the brace in the next few days.

Nanna Penny came to stay with us again. Matt had to travel to New York for a week. My Mom came and immediately had our bathrooms clean, floors swept and laundry done. She is an angel! She has no idea how helpful she is.

The girls attended their first Sorrells Fish Fry. Next year they will get to enjoy Grandpa Benny's fish and will be able to play with their cousins. Aunt Shannon and Uncle Chris through a great party. Everyone spoiled the girls all day!!

Over the past few weeks, the girls have met many new people. Unfortunately I failed to get pictures of all the visitors with the girls (my brain is not always working) but I got a few.

- Matt's cousin's Russ and Tim (along with his wife and kids) met the girls for the first time. Russ has twin girls of his own so I am sure holding the girls brought back many memories. He was able to give us a lot of good advice.

- The girls and I were able to travel to Lafayette and visit with one of my best friends Erin and her kids Olivia and Paxton. I am sure our girls will be very close with them. Erin made me feel better about many things I was stressing about. That is what friends are for!!!

- Our friends Jennie and Dustin brought their son Henry (10 months) to meet the girls. He didn't even mind seeing his Mom with another baby. I guess that means he is ready for a sibling. It was nice to talk with Jennie about Mommy things. She always has great advice!

- My friend Alyson came to see the girls last week. She is such a natural Mom...its been a couple of years since her son was a would never know...she was changing diapers and calming the girls the entire visit. So helpful!! Alyson bought the girls Alpha Sigma Alpha legacy t-shirts. They are soooo cute!!

- My friend Tomi who lives in Houston was in town with her son Noah. They were able to visit for a few hours. It was so nice to talk...we haven't seen eachother in a year...way too long. Her son has changed so much. He loved the girls...he wanted to hold them so badly but still did not understand how gentle he had to be with the babies. We loved having them here.

We love all of our visitors and look forward to many more!!!
We will continue to keep you updated on our beautiful girls progress. They are so much fun and make us so happy. We are so blessed. I can't imagine our life without Sophia and Claire.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sophia and Claire are 6 Weeks Old

The girls were six weeks old on Thursday, July 9th. They continue to change so much each day. Sophia and Claire are different in so many ways. About the only similarities are big eyes and long skinny arms and legs.
Sophia "Lady Bug" (as Matt calls her now) is our tiny little girl. Everything about her is tiny from her nose and lips to her tiny little waist, butt, etc. Although she was the largest of the two at birth that is not the case now. During her appointment last week she was only 1oz over her birth weight of 6lbs 8oz. Sophia continues to resemble me and my nephew Riley. I love waking Sophia up in the morning (yes, I actually have to wake her up b/c her sister is up and ready to eat), she makes the funniest faces when you open her swaddle. She loves to sleep....just like her Mommy!

Claire Bear has outdone her sister in the weight department. She is now 6lbs 15oz. It is amazing how big of a difference 6oz can make. Claire is our cuddler. She loves to be close to her Mom and Dad. That makes putting her down for naps and nightime sleep somewhat difficult but I love that she wants to be close to us. Claire looks so much like her Dad; olive skin and dark features. She is beginning to get chubby cheeks as well.
Sophia had her cast (to correct her club foot) changed again this morning. Dr. Berrios was very happy with her progress. He doesn't think any surgery or additional work on her achiles tendon will be necessary. We will know definitely in the upcoming weeks. After the final cast is removed (probably in the next 4 weeks) Sophia will have to wear special shoes during the day and a brace at night to make sure the club foot does not return. The prognosis is very positive!

Having twins is harder than I could have imagined. When I say they keep me ony toes that is putting it lightly. It is very hard to comfort and soothe two babies at the same time. Actually it is impossible. On top of that the girls have began to feed off of each other. When one begins crying the other feels it necessary to join in. Usually the volume level increases steadily as they both attempt to get my attention. I have learned I have to focus on one and then move to the next child. Granted by the time I move to the second, the first child figures out I am not paying attention to them anymore and the process starts over. This is where the "patience",that God so wonderfully molded in me over the course of trying to have a baby, kicks in.

I often feel a bit guilty at the end of each day. Many days I tend to spend more time with one girl over the other based on fussiness, upset tummy, trouble napping, etc. It is a reality of having twins. I am slowly coming to terms with that. Often while I am laying down at night to get some much needed sleep I feel like I didn't have enough time to just talk, play and smile with the girls. I know it all stems from wanting to give my girls everything imaginable. I want them to have 100% of my energy and attention. Matt says I am too hard on myself and that I go above and beyond. I choose to think he is right; I sleep much better that way :)

I won't lie...their have been quite a few tears shed over the course of the past 6 weeks. I find the tears are a great way to release the stress that builds during those loud crying sessions and nights where the babies just don't want to sleep. I just cry it out with them. I think its good for the soul :) I still have the really happy cries as well. I find myself just staring at the girls sometimes and crying...amazed at how beautiful and sweet they are. They are miracles to me!!!

I am extremely thankful for a very hands on father. Matt is wonderful with our girls. He is always there to step in and help me. I don't know what I would do without him. I know his Mom would be so proud of him. She taught him well. He recognizes when I need a break and takes care of the girls so I can take a bath or go on a walk. Just yesterday, he watched the girls while I went to the grocery store. When I returned an hour later, he explained how as soon as I left hell broke loose and both girls decided to scream as loud as possible for the entire hour. I said "welcome to my world". We just laughed!

My family has been a big help lately. I have spent a lot of time at my parents house in the past month. The extra hands are a blessing! While Matt has traveled for work or during weeks where I felt he needed a break and a quiet house I have taken the girls, Georgie and I to the farm!! Between my parents, sisters, nieces and nephews...the girls are always taken care of. Plus, I love how peaceful it is and the fresh air rejuvinates me.

The girls celebrated their first 4th of July in Bloomfield, Indiana at Uncle Steve and Aunt Meghan's house. It was great to be with the AFC (Anderson Family Circle). Unfortunately mother nature did not cooperate and the town fireworks were cancelled. We let off our own fireworks instead. The girls stayed inside so the noise didn't hurt their ears. They wore adorable red dresses given to them from our friends Scott and Amanda. They were still a little big on our tiny tots but I was adament they wear cute and festive outfits. Tori and Conner got to meet the twins for the first time during the festivities. Conner was too quick for me..I didn't get a picture of him with the girls...hopefully next time.

Sophia and Claire got to meet their friends Maggie and Kate (their Mom is one of my best friends Beth). They loved the babies. Maggie was so motherly with the girls. Very cute~

As you can tell in one of the posted pictures...taking photos of the girls together is nearly impossible. They kick and hit eachother the entire time. It is so funny! I guess the sisterly love has already begun. HA!!!