Lovely Background

Sunday, January 10, 2010

7 Months Old

Sophia and Claire are 7 months old now and so much has happened in the past month. Both girls are sitting up now and loving the new view of their surroundings. Claire began sitting up in November and Claire followed suit a few weeks later on December 19th. It is so cute to see them sitting on the floor playing with their toys. Recently they both have figured out how to pull themselves back up to a sitting position after falling backwards. It is amazing how much they progress each day.

Both girls said Mama first which pleased me. Sophia said it first when Nanna and Pappaw were babysitting. Claire began saying Dada last week and likes to repeat it over and over again. Matt was so excited the first time she said it. We are still working to get Sophia to say Dada but she is a little more quiet and loves just listeneing to her sister. Both girls wave hello and sometimes say "hi". It is so cute!

Although we have had teething symptoms for over a month neither of the girls has teeth yet. I am sure it is not far off. I think babies start to look so much older when they get teeth so in a way I am thankful Sophia and Claire don't have any yet. I want them to look like my little babies as long as I can.

Claire is our mischevious child. We call her the "sock and pacifer bandit". I put socks on her every day and within seconds she has them pulled off and is eating them. I normally put her socks back on 15 times a day. When I give up and just let her go with bare feet she turns to her sister and takes her socks or trys to take mine off. One day Claire sat and pulled off her socks while looking at me hysterically laughing. Once she accomplished her task she waved them in front of Sophia's face and kept laughing. She does the same thing with pacifiers which is interesting because she doesn't like to use a pacifier. She will stretch and strain herself to get close to Sophia to steal her pacifier right out of her mouth. It is so funny!

Both girls have learned the "fake cough". They use it to their advantage whenever they can. If they don't have my undivided attention, they cough to get it. Sophia has started to become somewhat of a thumb sucker. I think it has more to do with teething than anything because she doesn't do it all the time and I haven't found her doing it while sleeping.

Claire loves playing with her hair and twirling it around with her fingers. She got this from Matt. When I met him I thought it was so cute how he would sit and twirl his hair in his fingers. So it is now official...Claire is her Dad through and through.

Georgie is finally warming up to the girls. He now will sit close to them and let the girls pull at his ears. Sophia seems to really love him and finds him very interesting. Georgie really likes that the girls are eating crackers and puffs now because they drop a lot of stuff on the floor for him to snatch up. He stays very close to their high chairs during snack time.

The girls really love each other. They now just sit and giggle at eachother and babble back and forth like they are in deep conversation. It melts my heart to watch them together. Times like these make having twins so special. It is like they have their own little language. To see them laugh, hold hands and grab at each other is precious.

We had our first official sickness. We made it 7 months with a clean bill of health. Both girls had small colds and for Claire it turned into an ear infection. I felt so bad for her. It is so hard to see your child sick. I did love that she wanted to cuddle all day long. Thankfully we were able to get her on the wonderful bubble gum medicine (the best part about being sick as a kid) and she was better within days.

We shared our 1st Christmas together. It was so wonderful to enjoy it as a family. The girls visited Santa Claus with their friend Noah and they did really well. They did not cry at all. They just sat quietly on his lap and gazed up trying to figure out who this guy was with the big white beard. The girls put out Cookies and milk for Santa along with some carrots for the reindeer. Santa brought the girls great gifts. They were more excited about the wrapping paper and ribbon than the toys themselves. Grandpa Benny came over on Christmas morning to watch the girls open their gifts. The girls got a music table, jumperoo, a rocking horse, books, pajamas, clothes (including camoflauge onesies from Grandpa Benny), instruments, videos and had sock monkeys in their stockings. They loved spending time with the entire Sorrells and Anderson family. It was a very special Christmas and we look forward to another one next year.

Sophia and Claire spent their first New Year's Eve at The Kinder's house with their friends Addilynn and Sam. They were so good and made it to 10PM. We then took them home and put them in bed. Matt and I got to watch the ball drop before heading to bed. It was a great evening spent with wonderful friends and their kids.

As I said in my 6 month post, the girls will be welcoming a new cousin in June. Uncle Chris and Aunt Shannon found out they are having a little boy. The girls are excited to have a buddy to grow up with. It is hard to believe Sophia and Claire will be a year old when he arrives.

We hope you enjoy the pictures from the last month!!!


The Gross Family said...

I can't get over how big the girls are!! They look so beautiful and happy! Way to go Mom and Dad for doing a terrific job; keep up the good work!!